
WSL lets you install Linux terminal and run it within Windows. It's not 100% identical to running a dedicated Linux box, but it's super iseful and helpful for day-to-day tasks when in Windows and doens't require a VM. I run Ubuntu and Debian.

Set up Ubuntu

The WSL Docs will contain the latest set up and isntall steps to get Ubuntu on your machine. Personal to me I like to set up the following:

  • Git

    • git config --global = "Me"

    • git config --global = ""

    • New SSH key: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

  • rbenv

    • rbenv install -l (list lasted ruby versions)

    • rbenv global 3.1.1

  • tfenv

    • sudo apt install unzip

    • tfenv install 1.1.8

    • tfenv use 1.1.8

Notify-Send replacement

notify-send is a little tool to send a notification from your terminal. Stuart Leeks has written a tool to get this working in WSL2 and sending a notification to the Windows Toast notification.

Handy for long-running processes, when I want to know if they're finished, e.g.:

terraform apply --auto-approve; notify-send "Terraform apply complete"

Last updated